
This document specifies the implementation the summarize_report function, based on the summary report specification.

The summarize_report function is used to transform the report outputted from validate_data into a summarized report. It can summarize by multiple categories.

Function signature

def summarize_report(report: ValidationReport,
                     by: Set[SummaryKey] = {SummaryKey.table}
                     ) -> SummarizedReport


  • report: a validation report returned from validate_data

  • by: a set of keys to summarize by. The full set consists of the keys (table, column, row). An error/warning summarization will be performed for each group/key specified. Defaults to table.

SummarizedReport object

This is the summarized report object returned from the function.

class SummarizedReport:
    data_version: str
    schema_version: str
    package_version: str
    overview: dict
    errors: dict
    warnings: dict


The following fields are shared with ValidationReport (and documented here):

  • data_version

  • schema_version

  • package_version

The remaining fields are unique to the summarized report:

  • overview contains a high level summary of the summarized data. It is specified below.

  • errors and warnings contains summarizations grouped by the keys specified when calling the function. It is specified below.

Overview data-structure

The overview holds the most basic information about the validation:

  • number of columns and rows per table

  • number of errors/warnings per rule

It should be separated from the error-summary to simplify implementation and because the summary report should have this info regardless of which keys are summarized by.

The table information is taken from the validation report’s table_info field.

overview = {
    'tables': {
        'addresses': {
            'columns': 2,
            'rows': 6,
            'rules': {
                'x': 4,
                'y': 2,
    'errors': {
        'x': 4,
        'y': 2,
    'warnings': {

ErrorSummary data-structure

use a flat table approach, where each table has a list of ‘summary objects’ with the appropriate fields for the selected group key,

class SummaryEntry:
    ruleId: RuleId
    count: int

    key: SummaryKey
    """The group/summary-key this entry is summarized by."""

    value: str
    """Id of the entity in group `key` that this entry is derived from. This
    corresponds to the table-id when grouping by `table`, the column-id when
    grouping by `column`, etc."""

E = SummaryEntry

ErrorSummary = Dict[TableId, List[E]]

errors: ErrorSummary = {
    'addresses': [
        E(ruleId='x', count=4, key='table',  value='addresses'),
        E(ruleId='y', count=2, key='table',  value='addresses'),
        E(ruleId='x', count=1, key='column', value='addId'),
        E(ruleId='y', count=2, key='column', value='addId'),
        E(ruleId='x', count=3, key='column', value='addL1'),
        E(ruleId='x', count=2, key='row',    value='1'),
        E(ruleId='y', count=1, key='row',    value='1'),
        E(ruleId='x', count=2, key='row',    value='2'),
        E(ruleId='y', count=1, key='row',    value='2'),

        E(ruleId='_all', count=6, key='table',  value='addresses'),
        E(ruleId='_all', count=3, key='column', value='addId'),
        E(ruleId='_all', count=3, key='column', value='addL1'),
        E(ruleId='_all', count=3, key='row',    value='1'),
        E(ruleId='_all', count=3, key='row',    value='2'),

This enables the user to use their own select/filter functions on the data as it has a flat table form.

The main reasons for choosing this structure is:

  • Users can easily transform the data to fit their needs, as its a flat table.

  • Multiple groupings can be included in the same dataset (table, column, etc.).

  • It’s less complex than its corresponding tree-representation.

See Appendix 1 for an alternative tree-based implementation.

Example usage

report = validate_data(...)
summary = summarize_report(report, by=column)

See summarize-tool for more examples of how the summary generation may be used in practice.

Appendix 1

This is an alternative data-structure for representing the error summary.

Count = int
ErrorSummary = Dict[TableId, Dict[SummaryKey, Dict[str, Count]]]

errors: ErrorSummary = {
    'addresses': {
        table: {'x': 4, 'y': 2, '_all': 6},
        column: {
            'addId': {'x': 1, 'y': 2, '_all': 3},
            'addL1': {'x': 3, '_all': 3},
        row: {
            '1': {'x': 2, 'y': 1, '_all': 3},
            '2': {'x': 2, 'y': 1, '_all': 3},

The main advantage of this data-structure is that it can be iterated and used directly without performing additional transforms; however, the inner structure of the table-key is not consistent with the other keys.